It's been a long time since I posted here. The remainder of our trip in China did not go the way we had anticipated. Since the name of this blog is "We planned, God laughed" that seems appropriate. We had all planned to come home on March 14 but due to issues that arose in country, Kevin and Sean had to wait 7 weeks before they could travel home. For now, the reasons aren't important. What is important is how we were blessed and managed during that time. For me there was incredible growth in parenting alone and having absolute trust in God that this was all happening for a reason. Thanks to Facetime and email I was able to continue connecting to Sean even though we were thousands of miles apart. I think the kids got a new appreciation for their dad and all he does for them. And I was so proud of Kevin. He managed to get around a city of 12 million non english speakers for 7 weeks!!!
God worked a lot in our lives during that time. The support we got from people in China, our parish, family and friends was amazing and I couldn't have done it without that support. We were truly blessed!
But, this blog is about Sean. It was so hard to get him and then have to leave him. We knew it could be a period of time and so the options presented to us were returning Sean to his orphanage in Jia Musi or foster care in Guangzhou. Our guide was shocked when I told him neither of those were acceptable and that one of us would stay as long as it took to get Sean home. He worked right away to help get Kevin and Sean a place to live, a phone, internet etc. Without Richard things would have been bleak so we are forever in his debt.
So, Sean . . . wow what an amazing kid! He is funny, affectionate and brilliant!!! He is getting along with the other kids spectacularly! Sean and Luke are very connected, perhaps they were brothers in another life. He is not above snuggling on the couch with Catherine or Claire. There are lots of hugs and kisses. He has nick names for each of us that at one point or another started with the word "Baby" as in "Hello Baby Mom".
He has jumped into our family and all that we do with both feet and an open heart. He tries and repeats everything. He loves the pool, boating, playing Wii and joking. The only thing that has been difficult to get used to is having a tween boy who loves the sound of bodily functions. Saying 'poop' or 'booger
seem to be his special joy.
Sean's transition has been so easy, well other than that whole 7 unexpected weeks in China thing. Sean has been such a blessing. He has added a symmetry to our lives that we didn't expect. The ease with which he has become a part of our family has been astonishing. Just like the birth of a child you wonder and worry about how it will all go. Today, I can't believe we ever worried. The special part of this story is that we acknowledge God's hand in Sean's adoption. Recently Kevin told me that when he saw the 1st picture of Sean it was like God grabbed him by the back of the neck and said "Listen, this boy is supposed to be in your family." Truly called to Sean and so blessed that we heeded that calling.
Fresh off the plane from Guangzhou! So happy they were home!!!!!