Thursday, March 7, 2013

He Said Yes!!

It's official!!!  We are now the parents of 6 kids!!!

Our 24 hour "Harmonious Period" was up this morning and we went to the Heilongjiang Adoption Center to complete Sean's adoption under Chinese law.  There we met the director of his orphanage as well as the teacher who we met yesterday.  There was a lot of paperwork to sign and make sure was correct.  After Kevin and I signed everything they had Sean come over.  They asked him if he was sure that he wanted to be a part of our family, to be adopted and come to the United States.  He replied (in Chinese of course) "Yes!  Absolutely!"  Then he signed the paperwork and gave his finger print.

We all let out a sigh of relief.  I didn't realize I'd been holding my breath.  It certainly seemed like our harmonious period was just that, but until he signed that paper I couldn't be sure.  What has been interesting is that I think he was just as nervous as we were.  Since we left, there have been many smiles, running with the kids, and joking around.  Sean seems more at ease than he was just earlier this morning.

We had the opportunity to spend time with the director and teacher to get a clearer picture of what Sean's life has been like to this point.  There are people there who want to keep in contact with him and of course we will encourage that.  They are important people to him and we are happy that he has been loved to this point.

So now we are settling in.  Just being relaxed and wishing we could tell him so much.  Like Claire he will have to learn the family ropes, the ropes of being an American boy over time.  If the "Harmonious Period" is any indication, I think he will do just fine.

Adoption Complete!!

1 comment:

  1. Praise The Lord!!! So happy for you all! We have been home 8 weeks today with our 13 yr old daughter and I still remember how relieved I was after she agreed;) Just a heads up...they will ask him again at the consulate if he is willing to go to America with you and have him sign again. (At least they did with our daughter;) I had no just thought I would warn you. It sounds like things are going GREAT!!!
